Good morning reader. Or evening depending on the time your reading this. Welcome to day two. We did 50 views yesterday. 50 views!!! My profound thanks, am deeply humbled. Thats why am here, early on a Wednesday morning at Lazards cafe, 4th floor. Kenya cinema building. I have a casting in one hour. Casting is when actors and producers meet to select roles for the present actors. It usually occurs after successful actors are picked after an audition. And yes, I was picked. Very happy day that was. This is the beginning of my journey, which brings me to todays topic...
Todays topic has two parts, Read both.
Passion. What is the meaning of passion? Oxford Dictionary states that passion is a tropical fruit... Sorry, wrong reference. Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. So, what are you passionate about? I got 3. Acting. Basketball. Writing. Think about it. What makes your blood boil with pleasure. And I ain't talking bout the opposite sex. Passion defines you, it builds careers and lack of it breaks careers. You have to chase your passion, and I assure you. you will be successful.

Watch this space.

Writing. This is why am here and for you to judge. Read on...
In Other News.
What the F#$% are the chinese doing on thika road, Prospecting for Oil? It took 40 mins to get to town.(and it usually takes 7). We have not that big a problem when you marry all the ladies,(provided you dont touch mine!), but keep the road clear!!! Or tell us to wake up earlier.
On the same topic, to the ladies crossing the embankments on the afore mentioned road, please dont wear skirts. It provides bored passengers (like me) with sinema ya bure. (My english teacher would have murdered me.) Wear jeans or very short skirts. I prefer the second one.
Thirdly, who writes thika road signs? I saw, just this morning, "No ENETRY W/out Permission."
Heartfelt apologies to all somalis in Kenya. am sorry that the weather can get chilly at times, especially when you decide to rock light clothing. Our met department will look into that before you start crying,"Serikali i ingilie kati" like the rest of us. We have to take care of yall, coz you have such lovely daughters...
Kenyans will be very healthy. All the fruit stands are a testament to this. were about to say bye to obesity. Though some people should really begin to fill up*turkana* ahem!
Before I check out, heres to probox haters, who demean a vehicle and they cant afford even a headlight of a tuk tuk. Get some class! Or dont.
Stay Sexy,
Yours Passionately
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