Monday 23 April 2012


Good Morning reader. Had a good weekend? Good. Mine was aight. Dear mother was graduating from maisha bora. Proud of yew, esp coz of th good food :). Keep the fire burning.

Kudos to the readers from U.S.A, Russia aand germany. Shukrani.< Thank you in swahili.> Its a worldwide baby!!

Yesterday, Sunday nation decided to mention <ahem> my former high school, St marys boys, In their lifestyle article. Hence giving me the idea thart I shud blog bout past high xul memories. I got my profile book with me, and as I read through it, am having a blast. Which sane person writes as a parting shot "Am sorry for being stupid, I was only cleverer than everyone else"??? Thanks alot Knaan. Who gave you that nickname, btw? And Okonkwo, I dont think that that was the best time to reveal you stole journalism club money. Imma send assassins after you...Grrrrr

High school was fun. Yep, I said it. It was FUN. Sorry if yours was a shitty experience with misery 24/7. We'll I cant compare it with life out here, but twaz fun. Like when classmates get so drunk that they eat socks<they dint swallow> like lollipops. Or getting chased by the deputy halfway round the school.(I wonder how he did that, Kitambi and all) Benard Wigwa, you have some explaining to do. Or vybing chics so bad till they hug your blood out,(Esp if your in a killer suit) #TrueStory. Check the pic below...

The Crowds choice, Mr  St Mary's

The guy in the back <and spectacled> Is Elvis Munene, Number 1, nyeri county. Cool guy. Id trust him with my wife (though he says he wouldnt trust me back. I wonder why). For the record, your pic has been splashed too much over the media, so I cant give you a full one. Nope, I cant. Still cant. Aargh, If you insist... The only reason am doing this is coz you made us proud. Keep the fire burning. And when you hold a bash, Invyt everyone!!! No partying alone.

Still reading the parting shots. "Tulipanda maembe, tukavuna machungwa." No comment. Somehow, when your older and wiser, youll understand. Somehow. Haha, this one made my day. "Behind every successful man, is a surprised woman." Now that makes sense. Good one, Joshua. And the dreams. Courtesy of David Ngama, ill start a company "Shapiro Security and manyama dogs." What happened to being a drug lord? And the threats? Like, "If we ever meet, this time ill be stealing your chiq." Yea right. Bring it on, Jimmy Jamroc!

 The Crazy times. Funkies. The daggering. Even when you be daggering the wall. Horny students! The slicing. The shocks. Like Knaan who sliced some form one only to discover that the chic is his cousin. #wasted effort. Like Jeff Mizanin who vibes a beat up chiq and still argues that shes hot. Tastes are different. The Exchange students and niggas getting married to white chics theyll probably never see again. Yes Duncan. Spilled the beans, hater. I even added a pic. Booyah! <I know am dead after this.> Soory rosie, Just had to. Aaaw! Dont they look good together! hehe. As usual, Elvis in the background.

The teachers? Said crazy stuff, (in those accents you can only find in kenya) Like the deputy headmaster. Extracts like "You will all go to hell...sitakuwa hapo mama yako akikulilia... utaenda naye UMSIKE!! Mimi nipatwe na ulcers? Mimi? Afadhali nikufe kwanja!!!"

Gatta go,

Youthfully yours,
