Monday 23 April 2012


Good Morning reader. Had a good weekend? Good. Mine was aight. Dear mother was graduating from maisha bora. Proud of yew, esp coz of th good food :). Keep the fire burning.

Kudos to the readers from U.S.A, Russia aand germany. Shukrani.< Thank you in swahili.> Its a worldwide baby!!

Yesterday, Sunday nation decided to mention <ahem> my former high school, St marys boys, In their lifestyle article. Hence giving me the idea thart I shud blog bout past high xul memories. I got my profile book with me, and as I read through it, am having a blast. Which sane person writes as a parting shot "Am sorry for being stupid, I was only cleverer than everyone else"??? Thanks alot Knaan. Who gave you that nickname, btw? And Okonkwo, I dont think that that was the best time to reveal you stole journalism club money. Imma send assassins after you...Grrrrr

High school was fun. Yep, I said it. It was FUN. Sorry if yours was a shitty experience with misery 24/7. We'll I cant compare it with life out here, but twaz fun. Like when classmates get so drunk that they eat socks<they dint swallow> like lollipops. Or getting chased by the deputy halfway round the school.(I wonder how he did that, Kitambi and all) Benard Wigwa, you have some explaining to do. Or vybing chics so bad till they hug your blood out,(Esp if your in a killer suit) #TrueStory. Check the pic below...

The Crowds choice, Mr  St Mary's

The guy in the back <and spectacled> Is Elvis Munene, Number 1, nyeri county. Cool guy. Id trust him with my wife (though he says he wouldnt trust me back. I wonder why). For the record, your pic has been splashed too much over the media, so I cant give you a full one. Nope, I cant. Still cant. Aargh, If you insist... The only reason am doing this is coz you made us proud. Keep the fire burning. And when you hold a bash, Invyt everyone!!! No partying alone.

Still reading the parting shots. "Tulipanda maembe, tukavuna machungwa." No comment. Somehow, when your older and wiser, youll understand. Somehow. Haha, this one made my day. "Behind every successful man, is a surprised woman." Now that makes sense. Good one, Joshua. And the dreams. Courtesy of David Ngama, ill start a company "Shapiro Security and manyama dogs." What happened to being a drug lord? And the threats? Like, "If we ever meet, this time ill be stealing your chiq." Yea right. Bring it on, Jimmy Jamroc!

 The Crazy times. Funkies. The daggering. Even when you be daggering the wall. Horny students! The slicing. The shocks. Like Knaan who sliced some form one only to discover that the chic is his cousin. #wasted effort. Like Jeff Mizanin who vibes a beat up chiq and still argues that shes hot. Tastes are different. The Exchange students and niggas getting married to white chics theyll probably never see again. Yes Duncan. Spilled the beans, hater. I even added a pic. Booyah! <I know am dead after this.> Soory rosie, Just had to. Aaaw! Dont they look good together! hehe. As usual, Elvis in the background.

The teachers? Said crazy stuff, (in those accents you can only find in kenya) Like the deputy headmaster. Extracts like "You will all go to hell...sitakuwa hapo mama yako akikulilia... utaenda naye UMSIKE!! Mimi nipatwe na ulcers? Mimi? Afadhali nikufe kwanja!!!"

Gatta go,

Youthfully yours,


Wednesday 18 April 2012


Mother, "Dennis! Kuja hapa! What did I tell u bout gadget addiction? You are even poking holes in the         DVD?"  
Me:   Thats the USB port...

Good morning reader. Its Thursday the 19. Week number 2.This is a very random post, read on...

Was on my way to tao (in a mat), around ngara and this hawker was shouting <Read advertising> a very effective product. "Dawa ya mende, kunguni, nzi, kupe, wezi, makarao..."

Last Friday was Friday the thirteenth. Which explains a lot. Am not superstitious but something abnormal waz going down that day. have you watchd the horro movie, same name? Oooh, Spooooky. (Reminds me of scooby doo) Im sure it's even written somewhere that tiz unlucky to talk bout it...

 Congrats to Lynet Wairimu, a good friend, an ex Kenya high student, whos won a fully paid trip to France for a month. A month! What did she do, you ask? She was the best girl student in french, class of 2011. The best(boy n girl) in french   and best public speaker in drama and others also go. In June. Am proud of you hun and have lotsa fun.

Saturday waz an ok day. Hit UON early in the morning got several Kg's of brochures then to bball. On the way, I was the last to get into the matatu and told to sit on the kondas seat. We paid fare to the driver and on our way soon enough. Now, Is it just me or are 3/4 of all matatu passengers women? Look around next time your in one. Back to the topic.

School kids are home. Even from Nithi constituency, Tharakanithi county. Yes, there's a place in our wonderful country called <copy paste> Tharakanithi. Dust your atlas, students and look for it. Some with parrotish mohawks. People, unless your a Dj, Mathare inmate or your from jamaica, Mohawks are illegal. And weaves. Especially weaves. I feel sorry for the mukorino girl who goes to high school, sees a normally bald chic with hair reaching her waist and then implants weaves. You got a turban fit for winter and you implant a weave?  #dandruffrearing shud b punishable by death under the fashion constitution.

What is it with the black outs, KPLC? There's even an Fb group which goes like "Nyinyi Kplc, eeh nyinyi. Epuka rationing. WACHANA na mpango wa candle." And another update, "Kama kwenyu kuna stima, huishi Nairobi." Some chic told me she had to visit kababa (its a guys name) to finish watching a movie at their place coz he had those old skul diesel generators... Which grown ass dude would accept a nickname like "kababa"? Ama its the size of his...

Safaricom. My bad. Suffericom. I send a text and to remind me I have no credit, you send 5 texts going "Sorry, your account has no credit. WEKA PESA TUKUNYONYE!!!" went overboard there, but you get my drift... Im sure i could do alot with 5 texts. And another thing, Why is it that when i get unlimited sms's, then spend the rest of my credit on calls, you start going back to "Sorry, your account..."

 Enough with the complaining...

I was watching the simsons, season 21, yesterday. Thats the beauty of piracy, and I aint talking bout penelope cruz, of POTC (who looks amazing btw, as you can see). You can get almost anything. The more you watch Bart n Homer simpson, the more insane you get. When they say stuff like: Bart, "He'll beat the crap out of you, mum!" Homer, "Watch your language, moron." or Homer and Marge in a supermarket. Homer"Why is that man carrying a purse?". Marge"Thats a grocery bag. Plastic bags get into the ocean and stop jellyfish mating". Homer"Stupid horny jellyfish, turning men into feminists."

Saw this poster In a Matatu

"Dere ako smart. Konda hana Wass. Abiria, Fitina ya nini?"

 Randomly yours,


Friday 13 April 2012

Feed Back

Good morning, afternoon, evening and night. How are you, my dear reader. Good? Good. Am doing okay too on this lovely but chilly Friday morning. We've done 2 posts and the views are 118. 118 people!!! I am humbled. Thank you Reader. Its a very fulfilling experience, writing to you. I was thinking along that line and decided to improve our blogging experience. This is a very special post. this one will hit 300 views. Thats our target for today, with your help, of course. Here's how...

 If you read the blog, and like what you've read you can share to your friends on twitter, facebook or via email. At the bottom of the post there's a button which enables you to do so. Easy and convenient. Like G-Money says, "Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend"... Are you in the salon while reading this? show your neighbor whose probably reading the same magazine for the third time. In class? ICDL or Web design? ACCA or CPA? Jump onto your desk and shout to the rest of the class about the blog. Is the lecturer cracking jokes you've heard since class 3? For your own good, upgrade him!!! Nothing downgrades your grades like an uninteresting teacher. Boy, cant this player rhyme.

 Feed Back. This aint those misguided customer service adverts, ati help us serve you by getting back to us. And you find that the customer service is worse than the actual service. Ask Jeff Mizanin aka Makaveli, who commented on My First Post and sent an inbox ie."Make this blog partly bout life in kenya." I fulfilled his request to the best of my ability in post # 2. So get back to me, wether through email, facebook, or post a comment in the large white box down there...

Now, enough with the seriousness, THIF! Thank God Its Friday! Lets have some fun!

Breaking News.

I like female kondas. The ones who ask for your fare with a smile and sometimes a flirt. Ther'ye clean and well kept and make the experience intresting. Plus its a very welcome change from the usual male ones..

Homeboyz Radio. The most diverse radio station in Kenya. Very good music (at least for our generation). Though you gatta stop censoring Nicki Minaj. If you do, there's nothing to listen to! She swears very attractively, Its like a lullaby. Seen the video to Y.U.Mad ft Lilwayne,Birdman? I really respect the 2 men, since not all men can rap(at all) considering the outfit shes wearing. #Mindblowing. And don't do those Easy Fm Adverts that listeners say why they like the station. If you're already listening to it, there's no reason to tell you why you like it. Though I gatta admit, its a very clever advert... Kudos to the great work Hbr.We don't mind how many times you change frequencies (Though closing down uptown was a real bummer)

Square sheets. I hate square sheets. Ok, too strong. I dislike square sheets. I have a rectangular bed, so square sheets make no sense. I wake up in the morning, with my legs so tangled in them its like I played 90 nonstop minutes of soccer. At least sleep has become interesting...

Vampire Entertainment. Its everywhere. Vampire Diaries, True blood and Twilight. I have nothing against VD but its too emotional, like a soap opera. True blood is my best of the three, Very mature. And on that, I got a question for the guys. How freaky would it be if your chiq could read your mind? Every Thought, no matter how dirty? I shudder at the thought... Twilight 4. Breaking Dawn. Forever is just the beginning. After marriage. Its bad enough that Edu and Bella got married. But forever? Seriously? Am I the only one who thinks that that's baloney? No man can be faithful forever! 

Vybez Cartel Is still in prison. Hes in prison. Still in prison. Jailed. A prisoner. Any Ideas? No? Ok, Hes locked up with lots of other men. Has your bulb lit yet? Almost? Hes gonna be some ones boy. You know, "Boy". Now you get me. Considering hiz not that built, I'm guessing some 7 foot over muscled dude has already claimed him. Sad, really. But that better not affect his music... And we need not comment on his bleaching. Its water under the bridge...

One of the best most recent songs Ive heard. B.o.B- Where are you. Here's the link.

Im going to pick up ma lil cousin #ImAResponsibleNigga. In starehe. He claims to become their 1st player. well see bout tht though I have few doubts. After that ill be at the UON Open day. If you see me, halar.
Tommorow, Therell be basketball tryouts in Queen Of apostoles, Opp Safari Park. Come one, come all.

Exponential Potential, Whos laughing now...

Have an amazing day. 

Stay sexy


Tuesday 10 April 2012

P Is For?... Passions.

Good morning reader. Or evening depending on the time your reading this. Welcome to day two. We did 50 views yesterday. 50 views!!! My profound thanks, am deeply humbled. Thats why am here, early on a Wednesday morning at Lazards cafe, 4th floor. Kenya cinema building. I have a  casting in one hour. Casting is when actors and producers meet to select roles for the present actors. It usually occurs after successful actors are picked after an audition. And yes, I was picked. Very happy day that was. This is the beginning of my  journey, which brings me to todays topic...

Todays topic has two parts, Read both.

Passion. What is the meaning of passion? Oxford Dictionary states that passion is a tropical fruit... Sorry, wrong reference. Passion is an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. So, what are you passionate about? I got 3. Acting. Basketball. Writing. Think about it. What makes your blood boil with pleasure. And I ain't talking bout the opposite sex. Passion defines you, it builds careers and lack of it breaks careers. You have to chase your passion, and I assure you. you will be successful.

Acting. I always knew I could act. It was somewhere deep in the back of my sub conscious. Then I  got a small part in a skit, for the Research club of Kenya department of my former school. We made it to position 5 nationally, thats when i took acting seriously. Ive never looked back. Did a play, was successful and aand delving in the world of screen(Movies and Tv).
Watch  this space.

Basketball. My thumb hurts. The right one. I sprained it when playing with a couple of friends at Queens of apostles, opp safari park. Yes. surprise, surprise. Its a church. I go to church. Do you? Good. I dont go that often, but I try to every sunday. We have a cool youth group. thats why I go to church. oOh! And also to pray. Bball. Oh yeah, where was I? Basketball is also my passion, and before I go on... Kudos To Peter Gathogo currently playing for NIS(Nairobi International school). Hiz passion is getting him paid, very well actually. and we were on the same team just last year, in high school. His pictures are the tiny ones in the fore ground. More on this later.

Writing. This is why am here and for you to judge. Read on...

In Other News.

What the F#$% are the chinese doing on thika road, Prospecting for Oil? It took 40 mins to get to town.(and it usually takes 7). We have not that big a problem when you marry all the ladies,(provided you dont touch mine!), but keep the road clear!!! Or tell us to wake up earlier.

On the same topic, to the ladies crossing the embankments on the afore mentioned road, please dont wear skirts. It provides bored passengers (like me) with sinema ya bure. (My english teacher would have murdered me.) Wear jeans or very short skirts. I prefer the second one.

Thirdly, who writes thika road signs? I saw, just this morning, "No ENETRY W/out Permission."

Heartfelt apologies to all somalis in Kenya. am sorry that the weather can get chilly at times, especially when you decide to rock light clothing. Our met department will look into that before you start crying,"Serikali i ingilie kati" like the rest of us. We have to take care of yall, coz you have such lovely daughters...

Kenyans will be very healthy. All the fruit stands are a testament to this. were about to say bye to obesity. Though some people should really begin to fill up*turkana* ahem!

Before I check out, heres to probox haters, who demean a vehicle and they cant afford even a headlight of a tuk tuk. Get some class! Or dont.

Stay Sexy,

 Yours Passionately
