A bikini is an outfit where 90% of a woman's body is exposed.
The amazing fact is that men are so decent, they only look at the 10% that isn't
The amazing fact is that men are so decent, they only look at the 10% that isn't
Good Morning, afternoon, evening and night readers.
It’s been SEVEN months since my last post. Wow. Seven months. Feels like yesterday I was cranking up my fingers. How've ya’ll
been? I hope your all good, as good as Ive been for and sooo mucho has happened. First of all, I'm grateful for the 5000 reads my blog has had. 5432 to be exact, from all over the world. From the United States to Portugal, Russia to Mexico, Canada to Kenya. I am humbled, very humbled, that you take the time to read my words, experience my stories with me. You are my inspiration. I will continue as much as I possibly can. Check out your flag among the below
Now, I had planned an
awesome comeback to the blogosphere. Neon lights, Fanfare, Models in skimpy
outfits, spotlights, the full works. But
this is a more modest enterprise. Though
dedicating a blog to one day’s activities is rather cocky, this might be an
exception. Be the judge.
Then I almost don’t know where to start. Almost.
So this is a Post of many firsts. First post this year 2013. First post dedicated to one day. First post to be written from home. First post wearing only... never mind. Its a post of many firsts, but most things are as they've always been.
So Tuesday 14 may 2013.
Started the day with repairs in the
house. ##NewInfo. Moved to a new neighborhood. Before getting to Ngara, just next to Pioneer College, at the Ngara Civil Housing Scheme. I know people, hehe. Amazing place, cool peeps. And
here are the pictures…

My first reaction. If that was a party, PROJECT X would not
be in the discussion. First, cops everywhere with fingers on the trigger. Then
the blood. I walked past a guy with two buckets of blood. I do not want to know
what that’s about. Then the beaten up protestors. Or so I thought. Met these
protestors locked in at the police station. Sounded very high. Or drunk. Or
both. Yea, definitely both. Also bumped into Actor Mugambi Nthiga. Asked what was up. Reply? "You know, occupying Parliament" Check out the Youtube link Videos below
Turns out,
they were from slaughtering pigs. Yupp, Pigs. The gist of the protest. MP’s +
Pigs = Mpigs. The whole Linturi thang of maintaining MP’s insanely bloated
salaries. So the protestors used insanely bloated pigs to drive the point home. And here are the pics…
DISCLAIMER:: Some of the pics are.... Just Wrong.
The Inventor of tear gas, a certain Dr. Robert W. Wood, was a genius. That Shit is Strooooong!!!! Along Harambee avenue, all you could see were people crying and sneezing, hours after the teargas disappeared into the air. For some reason, Tear gas does not affect police officers as much as normal people. Except for this guy. . .
To the MPIG's, food for thought...
Spent the later afternoon practising for a certain new project. Details will also be revealed soon.

Yours Back-With-A-Bang
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