Monday 9 July 2012

You Only Live Once

Child: Dad, when do I start getting an allowance...?
Grandpa: You want a what??? I ALLOW you to live under MY house, Eat my food, Breathe my air, I allow you to live!!! What more do you want... Ungrateful n*****

Only on boondocks, season 3...

Good morning readers. How you doing? Am good, hope you are too. No food poisoning, hangovers or beaten up faces? Good...

New readers from New Zealand, Canada, Philippines, Australia, Switzerland and Pakistan. And a very high Increase in Swiss, Latvia and USA views. Welcome one, welcome all. P.S Look for your country's flag among the below....

Last Weekend, but several... Had an amazing Friday. No classes at all so went with a couple of chics and dudes to Tric, hitting them X Box 360's all morning (the only way to play mortal kombat) took a quick lunch and sheeshad the afternoon away at zaytoons. To crown it all off, deejay-ed at a friends graduation party. Congrats Wahu! Proud of yew... Had an unforgettable time, which brings me to today topic...


We only live once. That's easy to understand. Question is, was there any danger of people thinking otherwise? Life is short. Too short. Just a couple of years ago you were sucking on your thumb,the same size as a mature chicken and your whole vocabulary was "mama". I ain't kidding. 70 years, average lifespan, is not that long. Okay, so maybe it not that short either but you get my point. And so should Jay Z, rapping bout "forever young". I hope you're wiser now since you've got a 6 month old baby.

Like Drake rapped,
 "You only live once: that’s the motto nigga YOLO
We bout it every day, every day, every day
Like we sittin’ on the bench, nigga we don’t really play
Every day, every day, f-ck what anybody say
Can’t seem em cause the money in the way,
Real nigga wassup"

 Live a little. All men are alive, not all of them live. Why was man made? Not to procreate silly, but to enjoy Gods creations. X Box 360 may not be 100% "Made in heaven" but am sure at some point after toiling all day, The lord would have wanted us to relax, blow of steam (not really sheesha smoke but am diversifying). Cos life is tough, and if it wasn't, it wouldn't be worth living. Put in a different way...
Smart peeps recognize fellow smart peeps. The only ones ignored or irrelevant are those standing still their entire life. Life's too short...thinking and planning and thinking and planning, and thinking of planning, and planning on thinking, and thinking of doing something?...Just do it dammit! You'd rather live a life of "oh well's", "at least i know that cant work" ,than a life of "what if's". "Maybe" and the parents/teachers/lecturers favorite, "I WISH I KNEW."
So live your life, right now, cos tomorrow might , NO!, tomorrow WILL be too late...  

YOLO should be a motto, inscribed on everyone's forehead at birth, naturally of course. Imagine the agony of a baby being tattooed. And like every coin, (Even those huge Kibaki ones), YOLO has two sides...
  • Side A. You have one life, so don't waste it living a life so boring It makes monks look like rave kings. Have fun, do dangerous stuff,  like bungee jumping or skydiving. Flirt, drink, if you want to smoke be my guest I aint telling you to, sleep around(am also not advising any one on that). Get a tattoo, of angel wings on tour back or a grasshopper on your arm, hehe. Do crazy stuff  for one reason and one reason only, that you want to. Rebel against normalcy every so often.Pump up your adrenaline, believe me, you'll know when your pumped...
  • Side B.(This is the part where I sound like an old-fashioned parent). In the process of having fun, do not kill yourself. You do not stop living as a Nun on Thursday and on Friday you're jumping (read parachuting)off planes at 8000 feet, you will probably not make it to the ground. (Warning: If you shit yourself or mess up in the process of doing any of the above, do not refer to this blog as your advisor. I will deny to my last breath!)

May you do stuff with your life that you will be proud of when you're on your death bed and your family is around you (If youll have one) crying and you smile as you remember both the good and not so good times...
So here's a toast, to Life! To life,*clinking of glasses* , to Life. May we all never regret any decisions we make and live life to the fullest.YOLO! YOLO!! YOLO!!! YOLO!!! OK, you can stop saying YOLO now!

YOLO!YOLO! yolo!  yolo! YOLO! YOLO! yolo, yolo! STOP IT!!! YOLO! YOLO! yolo! yolo! YOLO!YOLO!

*Angel voice* Please dont say YOLO again, PLEASE DONT!!!
*Devil voice* Say it! Just one more time! Cmon!

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West        

Have An amazing week.

 Live life.



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