Monday 28 April 2014

For the love of Art

Good Morning Nairobi, Kenya, Africa, World.

How are yall doing? Hope your day is going good.

Today I'm talking about artists.

Getting to this point in the post would have taken three paragraphs. Just took three lines. I'm growing up. Oooh, so awesome! Kabisa!

As I write this, I'm on set, shooting an advert. Very hush hush job. I don't have a big role so I have a lot of time on my hands. There are very many varied and talented artists around. From the Colourful cast members, unbelievably attractive models, Tattooed Directors of Photography, multi pierced fashion designers, Red haired make up artists, to plain looking directors, silent ( and zombie like) sound recordists, thoughtful fine artists and production designers ( for thé record, fine artists does not mean attractive artists), the energy conservative musicians and finally, the awkward and geeky writers. So it's apt writing on this unique, different and ( let's be frank about it) weird industry.

Or just different

What makes one an artist?
To create.

(NB , for the rest of the blog, an artist is anyone who creates. Whether you write, act, direct, paint, design, fashion, tattoos, nails, do make up, music, dance etc... )

That's the defining trait of an artist.
One who wakes up every morning to push himself to create thoughts, words, images, and music.

One who uses the right side of the brain more than the left. I.e, right side is the creative side of brain, and the left side is the logical one. Illustrated below.

To the left, to the right

What makes one create?

What makes one open up his mind, heart and soul to create and expose his art to the world?


There are many reasons.

Why do Artists Create Art?

The grandest of all reasons is...

For the art.
Yes. Creating art for arts sake.
It's one of the best reasons to create. Write because you want to write. Act because you want to. Direct, Sing, Dance, paint, because you want to. Do it because you love it. 

One is pain, hurt and loss; or other "negative " emotions.
Most artists  have gone through so much pain and loss, that creating art is a remedy, a therapy for broken hearts, tired limbs, fatigued minds. Some create their best art when in the deepest of pain and hurt. Taylor swift is a perfect example.

The impulse to share.
Art is synonymous with communication. We create art so as to share a thought, feeling or idea with the world. Sometimes, this impulse is so powerful that you spend sleepless nights and days creating. Usually associated with emotional art, conscious art,  example? Tupac Shakur. John legend, Elani, Sarabi.

Very Calm

For other not-so-grand-reasons
Like Money, or fame. Personally, I don't judge why one creates their art, as long as you create art that is good enough to satisfy your needs. Sometimes (most times), as an artist, one has to create to pay the bills. Simple. And sometimes, that amount of pressure helps one create magnificent art.

Cant Keep calm

Artists are weird.
Its a fact. Majority of artists that Ive met (which translates to most of my friends) are... different. They are not what society would call normal. See that description I gave on the artists on that set. Different, right?


Even if we're weird, or different, were happy.
Because, when you were a child, chances are that your favorite lesson was music, or arts and crafts, or drama.
Imagine being able to do that as a grown up.
Imagine that every day, you wake up and you can't wait to get to work.
Imagine being unable to sleep cos of these amazing ideas that keep bombarding your mind.
Imagine being unable to sleep cause you cant wait to start on tomorrows project.

and artists are bees

You skip meals cause you don't want to stop creating, even for a few seconds. Even when you have a bad day, you don't need to drink yourself silly. Just immerse yourself deeper into your art, and you will be happy. Right now, I should be at home, relaxing. But I'm sitted in an office, typing off a blog, and I'm extremely happy. After a long day of creating, when your head hits the pillow, you find yourself smiling.


Like this kid here

Need more evidence?

The downside of being an artist? Where to begin...
To be an artist, one has to sacrifice. Sacrifice yourself to your art. One sacrifices money, time, energy and brain cells. We also sacrifice the ones close to us, the ones we love. Family, Love, Friends; they all feel the pinch. Sometimes we realise too late to change. Other times, we realise with some time to spare and go about correcting our mistakes...

One also has to be rebellious. And I don't just mean the teenage rebellion. I mean every day, willing to push your own boundaries and the boundaries of the art. So this puts you at odds with a lot of people, sometimes even with yourself. You end up hurting people....

 As artists, We hurt the people closest to us. Family, Loved ones and Friends.
On behalf of all artists, I apologise to all that the pursuit of art has pained and hurt. We will be better.

Personally, to my mother, sorry for the late nights and the endless worry. To My love, sorry for the time spent away from you. To my friends not already inside this crazy world, sorry for the craziness.

May the future be brighter than New years eve Fireworks

And Now to a personal art story...

Four months ago, on a hot and sunny afternoon, just before my first stage directing class, a Jovial, gracefully aging American walked into Harambee Hall, a lecture hall directly next to The department of Theatre Arts and Film Technology, where yours truly is pursuing a B.A , currently in third year. A small number of students was there, about 15. He introduced himself, Professor Richard Hess, visiting Fullbright Scholar from the University of Cincinnati. Here for the next four months as a member of faculty.


It has been an amazing Journey from creating montages, to poems and a new revelation called a content less scene. We have had good times with this artist, even creating a performance with 12 (kumi na mbili) second year students of which I am a member. The Video is live on YouTube. Here is the link.

To Sir Hess. Thank you for the amazing times creating alongside you. You have taught me many lessons, both in my professional and personal life (Like never give up). I thank you for the times, the drinks and the very tasty chicken pudding. God bless you. Say Hello to the good folks at back home, Cincinnati Uni and at Fullbright. Greetings to your wife, and to your Son. May our paths cross again.

Yours Artistically


P.S this is the second post on Art that Ive written. Have a read of the first.

Just hold on we're going home